Back Pain and Stiffness - Alba Physiotherapy can help

Back Pain

How to put an End to Back Pain and Stiffness the natural way, without relying on pain killers and endlessly avoiding doing the things you love and worrying about losing your independence.

Back Pain and Stiffness is something which affects a huge number of people, especially in their 40s 50s, and 60s. Many of our patients tell us that they initially hoped their lower back pain, ache or stiffness happened because they ‘slept funny’, or that it’s just ‘one of those spasms you get at your age’ and that everyone suffers from them. Unfortunately, they quickly find themselves in the position that it just didn’t seem to be shifting and repeatedly feel like ‘your back could go at any time’, and what is worse….’for no obvious reason’ which becomes an issue that you struggle to protect!

Most people think and hope that when they get Back Pain or Sciatica that it will just go away on its own. They often find themselves 6 months (and More) later learning to ‘just live with it’. It becomes part of your routine to avoid certain activities that you would normally have not thought twice about, and quite often patients describe a life where they sacrifice doing something they love for a week of increased pain.

Does That Sound Like You?

If any of this resonates with’re not alone- we hear and see this type of issue ALL the time. In fact, Sciatica, Lower Back Pain and Stiffness is THE most common problem that we see in our physio clinic.

The big Questions we get asked are

"Why is This Happening to me?"

Most people have exhausted all options as to Why in order to know what to avoid.. but it still doesn’t get answered and More often

"Why do I still suffer with Back Pain after 6 months (Maybe More) even though I have tried things to help?"

Another scenario we see regularly is that you have tried pain killers and ‘Rest’ to ‘see how it goes’. Some of our patients have followed these guidelines completely but have found that often 6 weeks later, they end up returning to the Doctor as it hasn’t gotten any better. We have several patients who then used stronger pain killers, MORE rest, Different Pain killers, less rest and so on! They find themselves in a horrible cycle of pain, frustration and quite quickly feeling like they've run out of options. It's no surprise why so many people 40 + are suffering on with long term, chronic back pain and back issues.

Does this sound Familiar to what’s happened to You?

Unfortunately, in today’s world, an abundance of information makes it too easy to get confused. Add to the fact that you will have been told different things, by different people. Unfortunately, not all of it is either TRUE or HELPFUL. 

A lot of our patients who suffered from Chronic Back Pain were tormented with the fear of what caused it. "Maybe I shouldn’t have bent down that way that morning and it wouldn’t have gone". "I wish I hadn’t slept funny that night…." the list goes on. The true reality often resides in the fact that YES you felt pain at that moment, but its highly likely that it wasn’t THAT action that got you there! it was years and years of poor posture, prolonged positions that cause your back to become weakened and the pain you felt from lifting, the putting of the socks on, the twist getting out of the car…was the EFFECT from a lifetime of that…. I like to refer to it as THE ACCUMULATION Factor. 

If you don’t know what the right thing to do is, and often tried and followed several bits of conflicting advice. Back pain and stiffness can be confusing and frustrating. It creeps into every aspect of your life.

Sadly, it often adds to those feelings of ‘hopelessness’ and ‘frustration’ making the list even longer of things that ‘just didn’t work for you’. We often see many patients who feel that they need to ‘accept and put up with their pain’ as it’s here to stay forever.

Do You Ever Feel This Way?

If You’re Currently living with and Suffering from Back Pain, go through this quick check list to see if any of these reasons are causing your Back Pain to last longer:

  • 1. You thought and hoped it would just go away on its own
  • 2. You have gone to the GP’s often a few times. Tried to rest and taking the painkillers. But it’s hard to rest and although the pain killers helped for a short while, your back pain was just as bad when they wore off and back pain struck again. Added to that, the medication just made you feel horrible so you couldn’t keep taking them all the time.
  • 3. A friend, family member or even a therapist told you that EVERYBODY gets Back Pain, especially when you are ‘getting older’. You should do what they did, just accept it and get on with it.
  • 4. You have tried other sports Therapists, Physios, and complimentary techniques but nothing they could do or advice seemed to help
  • 5. You tried exercises from the internet and even tried going to a personal trainer, but those exercises made your back pain worse
  • 6. Tried to Rest as you hadn’t been able to give that a proper go when you were told to initially. It ended up making your back even more stiff and more tight!!
  • 7. You’ve tried a few ‘massages’, some very painful and some relaxing- all of which you thought should help as no pain no gain…. but they didn’t do anything to fix it in the long term…

We'd love to hear from you...

If any of these happened to you- we would love to hear from you by inviting you to book a call to chat with one of our back pain physiotherapists at our Inverness Physiotherapy Clinic to find out what you can do to finally help your Back. The great thing about trying things that haven’t worked, (and we forget about this positive), is that you are one more step closer to finding out the thing that does work! We see this ALL the time, we cut the steps out and get onto helping you feel a lot better.

Click below to book a call with our Back Pain Physio to get some solid advice over the phone. It is our passion to help people in pain and discomfort, get back to living the life they loved to lead. This call is complimentary, at no cost and with no obligation to book appointments. We want to help you make the right decision about what to do next that’s best for you.

What can I do to get rid of MY Back Pain as Quickly as possible?

Here’s 4 things to try today:

  • 1. Firstly, we get caught in a cycle where we can’t decide about getting help. You have tried things, they haven’t worked so patients often find themselves living with back issues and just hoping it will go away. We put off deciding about getting help and suddenly feel ourselves 6 months down the line, nothing has changed except how much you should watch what you do.
  • Having tried things that haven’t worked patients often find themselves living with back issues and hoping it will go away. We put off deciding about getting help! Suddenly we find ourselves 6 months down the line, nothing has changed except how much you limit what you do.
  • 2. Next, and most importantly…. If you’re going to try exercises- get the RIGHT exercises! Doing the Right Exercises, at the RIGHT time can help to reduce your Pain. Getting you moving more freely AND helping to PREVENT your back ‘going’ again. It is worth noting at this point, there are some cases where exercises are NOT what you need depending on your stage of back problems. Speak to your Physiotherapist to find out what you should or even shouldn’t be doing.


  • 3. Avoid sitting for long periods of time. Ever tried to get out of the car after a drive down the A9, getting up from the sofa after watching a good movie? Motion is Lotion!! Rest, and most especially sitting for long periods of time makes your back feel stiff and tight. The right advice on how to combat this for better posture, alongside hands-on treatment can get you back healthy and active again as quickly as possible. Remember, the accumulation factor means your muscles and joints have adapted to your lifestyle…any compensatory mechanisms need to be ironed out.
  • 4. Get physiotherapy that includes lots of treatment options including ‘hands-on’. Physio Is proven to help people who suffer from Back Pain. At Alba Physiotherapy, it is one of the TOP problems we see DAILY. If your Back Pain is affecting how you live your life, your job, what Quality activities you can do with your friends and family, and most especially affecting you, Physio can help get you back to living life, the way you want to as soon as possible.

How can Alba Physiotherapy help you...

If you would like to know how Alba Physiotherapy in Inverness can help you get Your Back, Back on Track, we would love you to join us for a Free Discovery Visit. This is a 20-minute consultation with a Back-Pain Physiotherapist to discuss your Back issues and the impact it is having. It is ideal for someone who is nervous about coming to Physio. Someone unsure whether this is the right option for them AND you want to find out what is wrong. There is no obligation or commitment to further treatment. Our goal at Alba Physiotherapy is to get you back quicker. If we think that Physio is NOT right for you, we will tell you.

Here Are some of the Things our Patients with Back Pain have reported that we have done for them within a few sessions

  • "You have given me a GAP in the Pain, which has allowed me think! Something I haven’t been able to do properly in a while. That then turns into me being able to DO, things I haven’t even been able to think of doing for a long time"
  • "I thought I had run out of options, and had just ‘accepted it’ without even fully realising. Wish I had come sooner, even to learn and see that there is hope, it’s just getting on the right track that is key. The root cause was found within 20 minutes of going to Alba Physio"
  • "I never realised how much I was putting up with the pain and stiffness! Being zapped of energy, and found I was reaching my tolerance limit regularly throughout the day. My sleep was affected which I just took as normal with pain- Within a session, I saw the difference it was having in my life and how It’s hard to know what it’s like to live without pain, until you have a decrease in pain!!!"

Living on painkillers...

  • "I was living on Painkillers- didn’t take them all like I was originally advised, but when I look back on it, I was taking them more and more frequently. Getting the right advice and the right treatment, helped me get my health back on track"
  • "I used to try exercises, rest, everything. It wasn’t until I went to Alba Physiotherapy that I realised I needed to resolve how my body compensated for my pain, which was years in the making, to get the full benefit out of all things I was meant to be doing’"
  • "My thoughts, before I went to Alba Physiotherapy, was that my only options left were steroid injections or failing I'm so glad I found out, before it was too late, that there are far more options that this!"
  • "Getting angry that my back pain had stolen my quality time with my friends and family was the norm. I now not only have gotten that back, I know how to manage it to prevent it from taking over my life again."
  • "It’s amazing how you forget what it’s like to be able to sit for a full episode of a soap, or to not need 20 minutes to ‘get going’ first thing in the morning…let alone have a full night’s sleep. Its only when you get it back do you realise what you were missing!"

If you would like to know more and enquire about Cost and Availability we have at Alba Physiotherapy, please click the button below and fill in a short form:

What Other People Are Saying About Alba Physiotherapy

"I was waking up like seven times through the night which was really debilitating because the most minor movement would wake me, it was so uncomfortable"



"There's nothing to be skeptical about - there's no magic goes on... it's pure physical, hands-on treatment which I don't believe you can get on the NHS any more"



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